Transparency & ethics

Fostering transparency and ethical business practice

The European aerospace, security, and defence industry, represented by ASD, demonstrates a robust commitment to transparency and ethical best practices. This commitment is reflected in the governance, work and commitments of our member companies and national associations. 

ASD is a founding member of the International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct (IFBEC), which defines global principles for the fight against corruption, use of advisors, management of conflicts of interest and respect for proprietary information. IFBEC members commit themselves to apply and promote these principles in their corporate business practices.

ASD is registered in the EU Transparency Register (Identification Number 72699997886-57).


ASD's commitment is reflected in the participation of members in international and national-level initiatives promoting ethical business conduct, anti-corruption efforts, environmental sustainability, and responsible supply chain management

ASD Statutes and Rules of Procedure